Why must there be life and death? This is a fundamental question, and the answer will largely determine the quality of life as well as one's death. Gratuitous answer to that fundamental question will be reflecting also the gratuitous life, and/or a silly death.
Glory to Allah who makes life and death as a means to test who is the best practice among humans (QS 67: 2). "Liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu 'amala" (to give a test of whose deeds are the best among you).
Why not "aktsaru 'amala" (most deeds), but "ahsanu 'amala" (best deeds)?
Quantity take effect only if the substantive variables meet the quality requirements. People who donate one million dollars with sincere intentions merely expect the pleasure of Allah, more quality than donating ten times that but without sincerity.
When given with the same quality of sincerity, then the largest contribution at the same time becomes the best contribution. So, once again, the main determinant factor in the cycle of life and death of a person lies in the parameter of who is ahsanu 'amala (best deeds), not who is aktsaru 'amala (most deeds).
A person who is 100 years old is not necessarily better than someone who is 60 years old. Pray to be given a long life at every birthday party is arguably the best-selling prayer, and this at the same time shows how often we are caught in the dark trap of quantity. Ironically, one indicator of the success of health development also refers to life expectancy, which means highlighting the quantity of life.
Living in a quantity trap will always see the death as something sad. In fact, wise words state, never be sad because of death, but be sad because you do not have the provision to death.
Human age is entirely God's affairs. The affairs of the medical profession, for example, are not to extend life, let alone shorten. The task of the medical profession is to offer the best medical endeavors for humans. After the best medical endeavors are offered, then the age of man, whether long or short, let God govern them. In the hereafter, Allah will never question how old the Fulan is, nor will Allah set a person's glory criteria based on age.
It is time for us to return to the nature of life and death as a scenario from Allah to test who has the best practices, and who has the best efforts. Only from this nature can we speak of a commendable life and or an honorable death. Wallahua'lam. (La Ode Ahmad)